Pumpkins Mazes Knowledge Gateways


Additional Resources: Pumpkins, Mazes

Are you a homeschooler or a parent who helps in your child’s (childrens’) educational progress? Congratulations! And welcome to Pumpkins, Mazes Knowledge Gateways page.

Here you will discover the wealth of practical knowledge contained within the pages of Pumpkins, Mazes. This free resource will help you to locate and reinforce those lessons woven throughout Pumpkins, Mazes which you’d like to help your young learners grasp more fully. (For a brief introduction to Pumpkins, Mazes, please visit the Pumpkins, Mazes home page)

An example of BioFables’ 5-tier knowledge category structure:

    • 1. Core Disciplines: Sciences, Humanities, Values/Behaviors
      • 2. Knowledge Gateways (Color-coded examples: Earth/Space Science, History, Ethics/Morals)
        • 3.  Discovery Paths (Example: Geology, a Discovery Path of Earth/Space Science)
          • 4. Discovery Path Branches (Example: Geysers, a Discovery Path Branch of Geology)
            • 5. Knowledge Nuggets: Titles of specific mini- or pop-up lessons (Example: Geyser ingredients). You and your young readers likely will be most interested in Tier 5, Knowledge Nuggets. The 5-tier structure will be helpful in tracing lessons back through the earlier tiers to their learning origins.

NOTE: Please be aware that category names in tiers 2-5  are unique to each book, using words that children would recognize (e.g. plants), rather than formal terminology (e.g. botany). The following lists and tables, of course, incorporate categories that specifically appear in Pumpkins, Mazes. They do not represent a complete list of categories within Sciences, Humanities and Values/Behaviors core disciplines.

Site Tips offers more insights into how you can use the tables, lists and other resources of this website to help you to help your children uncover the secrets of about 100 lessons scattered throughout each BioFables book.

The four sets of tables and lists on this page have been designed for you to help your children derive the greatest benefit from reading Pumpkins, Mazes:

      1. Overview: Sciences, Humanities, Values/Behaviors
      2. Sciences content
      3. Humanities content
      4. Values/Behaviors  content

Pumpkins, Mazes by Chapter

TABLE 1, Pumpkins, Mazes is arranged chapter-by-chapter. It’s a good way to get a mental picture of  the entire book, especially the chapter descriptions and links to additional resources (child-friendly links are in orange). This table incorporates the three Core Disciplines, their Knowledge Gateways and Discovery Paths.

The rows in the left column of the table, highlighted in light green, show the Chapter number and the chapter’s pages; following the highlighted row is a quick chapter overview and occasional resource links to relevant sites for further investigation (links to child-friendly sites are in orange).

The right column rows, highlighted in light green, show the chapter’s title. The chapter’s color-coded Knowledge Gateways, with their associated Discovery Paths, appear in the row beneath each chapter title.


TABLE 1. Pumpkins, Mazes by Chapter: Sciences, Humanities, Values/Behaviors
Brief Chapter Description; Resource Links Knowledge Gateways; Discovery Paths
Helpful Hints
This seventh BioFables expands on  dimensions to learning developed in the first six books. Worldview is our new category, representing the “big picture.”
    • Worldview
      • New people/cultures
      • New experiences
Chapter 1: Pages 1-5
How Leaves Change Color in the Fall

It’s early October. Seven-year-old twins Melody and Mallory are eager  to learn how the spectacular colors of northern Minnesota trees happen. If Grandpa Mike had done neat tricks as he piloted the family in the small airplane, that would have been pretty exciting as well.

How trees change color in the autumn

    • Biology
      • Microbes/Bacteria
      • Plants
    • Chemistry
      • Molecules
    • Earth, Space Science
      • Geography
    • Work/Careers; Role Models
      • Air Force Pilot (retired)
      • Software Engineer (retired)
Chapter 2: Pages 6-9 How Big Is an Acre?

Searching for the perfect pumpkin to decorate for the contest turns into a lesson on the size of an acre (hint: it’s more than just distance).

    • Math
      • Measurements
    • Mind/Mental Processes

      • Visualization, Imagination
Chapter 3: Pages 10-15 An A-Mazing Afternoon

Look up, look down, use your powers of observation. A challenge for the Maloney family: finding their way through a network of paths created in a corn field.

    • Life Skills
      • Outdoor abilities
    • Work, Careers/Role Models
      • Dreams for the future
    • Ethics/Morals
      • Following rules of a game
      • Enjoyment, Leisure
Chapter 4: Pages 16-17 The Prettiest Pumpkin

Why are the judges of the pumpkin decorating contest awarding ribbons to very ordinary-looking creations? Melody and Mallory have very different reactions to the results of their efforts.

    • Emotions
      • Disappointment
      • Self-Satisfaction
Chapter 5: Pages 18-22
Grandpa’s Square Dance Surprise(s)
Grandpa Mike surprises both generations of his family. Melody and Mallory take them all in stride. Their parents? Well, it takes them a little longer, but they quickly adjust.
    • Society
      • Family Relationships
    • Language
      • Play on Words
    • Worldview
      • New experiences
Chapter 6: Pages 23-28 An Unexpected Question
Learning to square dance, how the aurora borealis forms…and an “out of the mouths of babes” question that the twins’ parents probably wanted to ask but didn’t want to be impolite. 

Learn about the Aurora Borealis


    • Earth, Space Science
      • Meterology
    • Society
      • Family Relationships
    • Arts
      • Dance/Rhythmic Movements
    • Work, Careers; Role Models
      • Musician
    • Values/Behaviors
      • Embarrassment
      • Sharing Knowledge
      • Hospitality
Chapter 7: Pages 29-35 A House in the Woods
Enjoying Norwegian food, learning Norwegian spelling and pronunciation, getting lost in the woods and getting found by a Norwegian Elkhound. All part of a non-routine Saturday morning.
    • Biology
      • Plants
      • Animals
    • Society
      • People Relationships
    • Language
      • Sounds and Spelling
      • Word Meanings
    • History
      • People
    • Worldview
      • Chance Encounters
    • Life Skills
      • Food, Cooking
      • Observing Surroundings
Chapter 8: Pages 36-43 Discovering the Language of Trees
How do trees “speak?” Not out loud, of course, unless you think of leaves rustling in the breeze. Observing trees and even their shadows can help find your way in a forest without a compass.


Find your way without a compass

    • Biology
      • Plants
    • Arts
      • Design
    • Life Skills

      • Outdoors Abilities
    • People
      • Parental Responsibility
Chapter 9: Pages 44-50 Learning a Bit about Bows and Arrows
Just a few of Chapter 9’s AHA! moments: understanding people; understanding nature; understanding some of the effects of gravity and how optical illusions can improve your fishing.
Change in direction of light
    • Biology
      • Animals
    • Physics
      • Optics
      • Gravity
    • Technology
      • Fishing (Optics)
      • Archery (Gravity)
    • Language
      • Play on Words
    • Arts
      • Sports
    • Worldview
      • New People/Cultures
      • Natural Environments
    • Learning/Knowledge/Skills
      • Sharing Knowledge
Chapter 10: Pages 51-53
Next Adventure: Thanksgiving Weekend
Thanksgiving is a time of sharing. The  project the Maloneys and other volunteers are planning includes the active involvement of community members as well. What other major surprises does Grandpa Mike have THIS time?  You’ll have to read Book 8 (in preparation) to find out.
    • People
      • Community Involvement

The Core Disciplines in Pumpkins, Mazes LIST 1 are presented with their Knowledge Gateways and Discovery Paths (Tiers 1-3) in side-by-side columns. We’ve grouped each of the Knowledge Gateways and their Discovery Paths into Basic (foundational knowledge), Hybrid (relevant both to Basic and Applied Discovery Paths), and Applied (using basic or hybrid principles for practical, real-world purposes).

List 1.  Pumpkins, Mazes Overview: SCIENCES, Humanities and Values/Behaviors


  • Biology
    • Microbes/Bacteria
    • Plants
    • Animals
  • Chemistry
    • Molecules
  • Physics
    • Gravity
    • Optics
  • Earth, Space Science
    • Astronomy
    • Geography
  • Technology
    • Gravity (Physics)
    • Optics (Physics)


  • Math
    • Measurements


  • Society
    • Family Relationships
    • People Relationships
  • Language
    • Play on Words
    • Sounds and Spellings
    • Word Meanings
  • History
    • People


  • Arts
    • Dance
    • Designing Things
    • Sports
  • Worldview
    • Chance Encounters
    • Natural Environments
    • New Experiences
    • New People, Cultures


  • Life Skills
    • Outdoors Abilities
    • Food, Cooking
    • Observing Surroundings
  • Work/Careers; Role Models
      • Air Force Pilot
      • Explorer
      • Musician
      • Software Engineer


  • Morals/Ethics
    • Following Rules of a Game
  • Emotions
    • Disappointment
    • Embarrassment
    • Enjoyment/Leisure
    • Self-Satisfaction
  • Mind
    • Observation
    • Reasoning
    • Self-Awareness
  • Body
    • Physical Health


  • Learning/Knowledge/Skills
    • Openness/Flexibility
    • Sharing Knowledge


  • People
    • Asking for Help
    • Community Involvement
    • Friendly Manner/Helpfulness
    • Hospitality
    • Making Introductions
    • Parental Responsibility
    • Respect
  • Planet
    • Respect for Earth, All its Life

The next three sets of lists and tables compile the Sciences, Humanities and Values/Behaviors content for the entire Pumpkins, Mazes book.  Bulleted lists of Knowledge Gateways, with their associated Discovery Paths, offer a quick glance at category tiers 1-3 appearing in Pumpkins, Mazes. Their associated tables incorporate all 5 category tiers, including brief definitions of the Knowledge Gateways and instances of the specific Knowledge Nuggets (lessons) within each Core Discipline.


Pumpkins, Mazes SCIENCES Core Discipline

Pumpkins, Mazes List 2 is an at-a-glance bulleted list. It offers a quick look at the Science Knowledge Gateways in bold, followed by their Discovery Paths that appear in Pumpkins, Mazes.

Pumpkins, Mazes List 2SCIENCES Knowledge Gateways and Discovery Paths
  • Biology: Microbes/Bacteria; Plants; Animals
  • Chemistry: Molecules
  • Physics: Gravity; Optics
  • Earth, Space Science: Astronomy; Geography
  • Math: Meassurements

Pumpkins, Mazes Table 2 includes the major Sciences Knowledge Gateways (light green background) occurring in all the chapters of Pumpkins, Mazes.


KNOWLEDGE GATEWAYS appear in alphabetical order. The rows below each Knowledge Gateway name one or more of its associated Discovery Paths (indented); Discovery Path Branches, where they occur, are further indented below the Discovery Path. These categories represent increasingly-specific subjects.


Brief definitions of each Science Knowledge Gateway help to recognize subjects related to the Gateway.  Definitions of Discovery Paths that are split into more-detailed groups in the left column are identified by a yellow background. Knowledge Nuggets offer the most specific information or lessons.

Pumpkins, Mazes TABLE 2.  SCIENCES Content
Brief Definitions: Knowledge Gateways/Discovery Paths
Discovery Paths/Path Branches
Discovery Path Branches; Knowledge Nuggets
BIOLOGY Life and living things
Microbes/Bacteria The twins learn that bacteria are everywhere; Mom explains that bacteria don’t have much to do with leaves changing color {Ch. 1, p. 3}
Plants Dad explains how leaves change color in autumn {Ch. 1, pp. 3-4}
Aunt Inge adds sugar to the vase of cut flowers {Ch. 7, p. 30}
Getting lost is easy when the trees seem to all look alike {Ch. 7, p. 33}
Animals Bjørn senses that his new doggie friend and the twins might be lost in the woods {Ch. 7, p. 35}
People who fish know that different seasons cause fish to behave differently {Ch. 9, p. 48}
CHEMISTRY Substances, their structure, behavior, interactions
        Molecules Chlorophyll is a pigment (color) that is present in all green plants {Ch. 1, pp. 3-4}
PHYSICS Properties and nature of matter and energy
          Optics Light bends differently in air and water, so fish may not be where you think they are. This bending is known as the refractive index {Ch. 9, pp. 48-49}
          Gravity Arrows don’t have a mind of their own. It’s wind, gravity, and many other details that impact how they fly {Ch. 9, pp. 46-50}
Related to planet Earth and beyond
Astronomy Above Earth: space, planets and stars, the universe
      Space weather Eruptions of the sun send streams of charged particles (solar wind) to Earth, causing Northern Lights in the sky and geomagnetic storms that disturb’s Earth’s magnetic field {Ch. 6, p. 26}
Geography Continents, countries, oceans and other waters, and their features
       Northern Minnesota Chillier weather and colorful trees arrive earlier about 400 miles north (“as the crow flies”) of the Chicago area, or about 470 miles if you drive {Helpful Hints}
MATH Numbers, quantities and analysis
          Measurement The twins learn easy ways to estimate the area of an acre {Ch. 2, pp. 6-7}
TECHNOLOGY Tools (products) and techniques using basic science
          Physics (Optics) Fishing {Ch. 9, pp. 48-49}
          Physics (Gravity Archery {Ch. 9, pp. 46-47}

Pumpkins, Mazes HUMANITIES Gateway

Pumpkins, Mazes List 3  is an at-a-glance bulleted list. It offers a quick look at the Humanities Knowledge Gateways  in bold, followed by their  Discovery Paths that appear in Pumpkins, Mazes.

Pumpkins, Mazes LIST 3.  Humanities Knowledge Gateways and Discovery Paths
  • Society: Family Relationships; People Relationships
  • Language: Play on Words; Sounds and Spellings; Word Meanings
  • History: People
  • Arts: Dance; Designing Things; Sports
  • Worldview: Chance Encounters; Natural Environments; New Experiences; New People, Cultures
  • Life Skills: Food, Cooking; Observing Surroundings; Outdoors Abilities
  • Work, Careers: Air Force Pilot (retired); Explorer; Musician; Software Engineer

Pumpkins, Mazes TABLE 3 includes the major Humanities Knowledge Gateways (light green background) occurring in all the chapters of Pumpkins, Mazes.

The left column shows each Knowledge Gateway and one or more associated Discovery Paths. Discovery Path Branches, where they occur, appear indented below the major Discovery Path. These branches (and sometimes sub-branches) are divisions of the major Discovery Path; they represent increasingly-specific fields.

The right column offers brief definitions of each Humanities Knowledge Gateway. Following each Knowledge Gateway are Knowledge Nuggets (mini- or pop-up lessons). These lessons correspond to the Discovery Path and any Discovery Path Branches that appear directly across in the the left column.

Pumpkins, Mazes TABLE 3.  HUMANITIES Content
          Discovery Paths
Discovery Path Branches; Knowledge Nuggets
LANGUAGE Means of communication
          Play on Words Melody asks her brother if he wants Bambi stew {Ch. 5, p. 21}
The phrase memory lane reminds Melody of the word path {Ch. 9, p. 44}
          Sounds and Spelling The name Bjørn is pronounced “Byorn” {Ch. 7, p. 32}
          Word Meanings Bjørn in Norwegian means bear, a good name for Norwegian Elkhound dogs, because their heads look like a bear’s head {Ch. 7, p. 32}
ARTS Creative skills and their expression
          Dancing Melody and Mallory learn basic square dancing {Ch. 6, pp. 23-24}
          Design Melody and Mallory learn about watermarks (NOT the stains on the table from from your cold drinks) {Ch. 8, p. 40}
          Sports Archery is more than just trying to hit a bulls-eye with an arrow {Ch. 9, p. 47}
Collection of beliefs about life and the universe
          Chance Encounters When the timing is right… {Ch. 5, p. 20}
          Different Natural Environments Wild animals live differently in different climates and habitats {Ch. 9, p. 46}
          New Experiences Many family members taste venison stew for the first time {Ch. 5, pp. 20-21}
          New People/Cultures How you live and what you value depends on where you live {Ch. 9, pp. 44-46}
LIFE SKILLS Practical abilities for attending to everyday needs
          Food, Cooking Geographic location influences people’s food preferences. {Helpful Hints; Ch. 5, p. 21; Ch. 9, p. 45}
          Outdoors Abilities Navigating by the sun is helpful, but what if it’s cloudy? {Ch. 2, p. 11; Ch. 8, p. 41}
Grandpa explains how “pointer” birds can help find your way {Ch. 3, p. 14}
Productive activity to earn an income or give back to society
          Air Force Pilot (retired) Grandpa flies his family to Minnesota in a small plane {Ch. 1, pp. 1-2}
          Explorer Mallory hopes to be an explorer; he thinks walking a corn maze is a good learning experience; Grandpa supports Mallory’s dream  {Ch. 3, pp. 10-12; Ch. 5, p. 21; Ch. 7, p. 33}
          Musician Musicians provide square dance fun {Ch. 6, pp. 23-25}
          Software Engineer Grandpa wrote software programs before becoming an Air Force pilot {Ch. 1, p. 2}

Pumpkins, Mazes VALUES/BEHAVIORS Core Discipline

Pumpkins, Mazes LIST 4 is an at-a-glance bulleted list. It offers a quick look at the Self Knowledge Gateways in bold, followed by their Discovery Paths that appear in Pumpkins, Mazes.

Pumpkins, Mazes LIST 4.  Values/Behaviors Discovery Paths and Knowledge Branches
  • Morals/Ethics: Following Rules of a Game
  • Emotions: Disappointment; Embarrassment; Enjoyment/Leisure; Self-Satisfaction
  • Mind:
  • Body: Healthy Aging; Balance/Stability
  • Learning/Knowledge/Skills: Acquiring Knowledge; Sharing Knowledge
  • People: Respect; Generosity; Helping with Chores; Friendly Atmosphere; Hospitality
  • Planet: Research; Pollution; Reduce, Re-Use, Recycle

Pumpkins, Mazes TABLE 4 includes the major Values/Behaviors Knowledge Gateways (light green background) occurring in all the chapters of Pumpkins, Mazes.

The left column shows each Knowledge Gateway and one or more associated Discovery Paths. Discovery Path Branches, where they occur, appear indented below the major Discovery Path. These branches (and sometimes sub-branches) are divisions of the major Discovery Path; they represent increasingly-specific fields.

The right column offers brief definitions of each Values/Behaviors Knowledge Gateway. Following each Knowledge Gateway are Knowledge Nuggets (mini- or pop-up lessons). These lessons correspond to the Discovery Path and any Discovery Path Branches that appear directly across in the the left column.

Pumpkins, Mazes TABLE 4.  VALUES/BEHAVIORS Content
Internal character, beliefs
          Following Rules of a Game Corn maze “passport stations” encourage keeping to the path {Ch. 3, pp. 12, 14}
Using insights developed during a game is smart, not cheating {Ch. 3, pp. 11-12}
EMOTIONS Feelings, sentiment, intuition
          Enjoyment/Leisure Melody and Mallory agree that a full-size corn maze would be much more fun than a children’s maze with low hedges {Ch. 3, p. 10}
          Disappointment Melody is unhappy because a wind blew away all her pumpkin’s glitter before the judges came by {Ch. 4, pp.  16-17}
        Self-Satisfaction Mallory says he designed his pumpkin for himself and the family, not for the judges {Ch. 4, pp. 16-17}
          Worry Grandpa is nervous about introducing his new friend to his family {Ch. 5, p. 19}
          Embarrassment Mom says Melody’s question (“Out of the mouths of babes”) is impolite; Grandpa doesn’t think so {Ch. 6, p. 27}
Rational, theoretical, analytical thinking
          Visualization/Imagination Melody and Mallory demonstrate very different pumpkin designs {Ch. 2, pp. 8-9}
          Reasoning Maze “passport” and path clues help find the right direction {Ch. 3, pp. 10-13}
          Observation Melody reads the labels in front of each dish at the buffet table {Ch. 5, p. 20}
          Self-Awareness Grandpa realizes that Mallory learned new things about Inge in a few minutes that he didn’t know after a few months {Ch. 5, p. 22}
Health, bodily strengh and movement
          Physical Health Grandpa Mike enjoys good eyesight after cataract removal {Ch. 1, p. 2}
Mom reminds everyone to carry a supply of food and water {Ch. 3, p. 10}
Pursuit and acquisition of understanding, wisdom, capabilities
          Openness/Flexibility Grandpa advises the twins that details and the “big picture” are important in solving problems {Ch. 3, p. 12}
          Sharing Knowledge Melody and Mallory teach new friends the square dance steps they just learned {Ch. 6, p. 24}
Aunt Inge talks about understanding people and nature {Ch. 9, pp. 45-46, 50}
PEOPLE Regard for, and relationships with, humankind
          Respect Melody asks if she and her brother can address Grandpa’s friend as “Aunt” as they do with close family friends {Ch. 5, p. 19}
          Making Introductions Grandpa introduces his friend and tells how they met {Ch. 5, p. 19}
          Parental Responsibility Mom reminds Mallory “Waste Not, Want Not” as they approach a buffet table filled with all sorts of appetizing foods {Ch. 5, p. 20}
Grandpa and the twins’ parents give examples of how to pay attention to what a forest is “telling” you {Ch. 8, pp. 36-39, 42}
          Asking for Help Mallory doesn’t want to risk dripping food at the buffet table {Ch. 5, p. 21}
          Helpfulness Aunt Inge comes to Mallory’s rescue at the buffet table {Ch. 5, p. 21}
          Friendly Manner Aunt Inge talks about her bow hunting experiences {Ch. 9, pp. 44, 46-50}
Aunt Inge suggests everyone share portions of their food so others can enjoy many different tastes {Ch. 5, p. 21}
          Hospitality Aunt Inge invites Grandpa’s family to her home for an authentic Norwegian breakfast {Ch. 6, p. 27}
Mom brings flowers to Aunt Inge when they visit her home {Ch. 7, p. 30}
          Community Involvement Thanksgiving weekend (Book 8) brings brings meals, games, fundraising, volunteer work and more surprises {Ch. 10, p. 51-52}
PLANET/BIOSPHERE Earth’s natural environment: living organisms, water, surface, subsurface, atmosphere
          Respect for Earth, All its Life Aunt Inge lives what she teaches the Maloney family about responding to a variety of people and practices, animals and their needs {Ch. 9}

For an overview of Pumpkins, Mazes please visit the Pumpkins, Mazes home page. If you are ready to buy , please click on the icon to go to Barnes and Noble’s  Pumpkins, Mazes page.