Palisades Escapades Knowledge Gateways

Large Mississippi Palisades Rock

Additional Palisades Escapades Resources

Are you a homeschooler or a parent who helps in your child’s (childrens’) educational progress? Congratulations! And welcome to Palisades Escapades Knowledge Gateways.

Here you will discover the wealth of practical knowledge contained within the pages of Palisades Escapades. This free resource will help you to locate and reinforce those lessons woven throughout Palisades Escapades which you’d like to help your young Palisades Escapades reader grasp more fully. (For a brief introduction to Palisades Escapades, please visit the Palisades Escapades home page)

An example of BioFables’ 5-tier knowledge category structure:

    • 1. Core Disciplines: Sciences, Humanities, Values/Behaviors
      • 2. Knowledge Gateways (Color-coded examples: Earth/Space Science, History, Ethics/Morals)
        • 3.  Discovery Paths (Example: Geology, a Discovery Path of Earth/Space Science)
          • 4. Discovery Path Branches (Example: Geysers, a Discovery Path Branch of Geology)
            • 5. Knowledge Nuggets: Titles of specific mini- or pop-up lessons (Example: Geyser ingredients)

You and your young readers likely will be most interested in Tier 5, Knowledge Nuggets. The 5-tier structure will be helpful in tracing lessons back through the earlier tiers to their learning origins.

NOTE: Please be aware that tiers 2-5  are unique to each book; category names typically use words that children would understand (e.g. plants), rather than formal terminology (e.g. botany). In addition, the following lists and tables do not represent a complete list of Sciences, Humanities and Values/Behaviors categories, but rather those that specifically appear in Palisades Escapades.

Site Tips offers more insights into how you can use the tables, lists and other resources of this website to help you to help your children uncover the secrets of about 100 lessons scattered throughout each BioFables book.

The four sets of tables and lists on this page have been designed to help your children derive the greatest benefit from reading Palisades Escapades:

      1. Palisades Escapades Overview: Sciences, Humanities, Values/Behaviors
      2. Sciences content in Palisades Escapades
      3. Humanities content in Palisades Escapades
      4.  Values/Behaviors content in Palisades Escapades

Palisades Escapades Overview

TABLE 1, Palisades Escapades Overview, is arranged chapter-by-chapter. It’s a good place to get a mental picture of  the entire book, especially the chapter descriptions and links to additional resources (child-friendly links are in orange). This table incorporates the three Core Disciplines, their Knowledge Gateways and Discovery Paths (Tiers 1-3).

The rows in the left column of the table, highlighted in light green, show the Chapter number and the chapter’s pages; following the highlighted row is a quick chapter overview and occasional resource links to relevant sites for further investigation (links to child-friendly sites are in orange).

The right column rows, highlighted in light green, show the chapter’s title. The chapter’s color-coded Knowledge Gateways, with their associated Discovery Paths, appear beneath each chapter title.

TABLE 1.  Palisades Escapades Overview: Sciences, Humanities and Values/Behaviors
CHAPTER: Page Numbers
Brief Chapter Description; Resource Links
Knowledge Gateways (in color); Discovery Paths
Helpful Hints
  • Earth
    • Geography
Chapter 1: Pages 1-2
Unfinished Business
Seven-year-old Mallory is relieved to know he won’t be going to jail for “lifting” a big rock from the State Park. But he and his Dad get to ride in a police car (a first, for both of them).
  • Earth
    • Geology
    • Weather
  • Society
    • Public Behavior
    • Government (local)
    • Community Service
  • Morals/Ethics
    • Doing the Right Thing
  • Emotions
    • Awareness of Consequences
Chapter 2: Pages 3-9
Community Service
Mallory was so eager to learn about fossils and other neat stuff from Ms. Anna, he didn’t realize he was actually doing community service. And his Dad learned more about the money sack.


  • Biology
    • Animals
  • Earth
    • Geology
  • Math
    • Arithmetic
  • Society
    • Community Service
  • Arts
    • Drawing
  • Emotions
    • Awareness of Consequences
    • Sense of Humor
  • Mind
    • Reasoning
    • Intuition
    • Visualization
  • Learning/Knowledge/Skills
    • Sharing Knowledge
  • People
    • Hospitality
Chapter 3: Pages 10-14
A Rock-Solid Contract
The big rock is now on “permanent loan” to Mallory and the Maloney family plots out several of the next mini-trips that Grandpa has given to celebrate the twins’ seventh birthday.

Agatha Christie

  • Biology
    • Animals
  • Society
    • Community Service
    • Legal Contracts
  • Language
    • Classic Literature
  • History
    • Times/Eras
  • Work/Careers; Role Models
    • Software Engineering
  • Mind
    • Organization
    • Visualization
  • People
    • Gratitude
    • Generosity
    • Community Involvement
  • Planet
    • Respect for Earth, Living Environment
Chapter 4: Pages 15-20
Arriving at the Mississippi Palisades
The escapades begin when the Maloneys reach the Palisades. Rufus joins in the firefly game, resulting in a tangle of arms and legs, fur…and liberated fireflies.
  • Biology
    • Animals
    • Insects
  • Earth
    • Geography
  • Health
    • Exercise
    • Recreation, Games
    • Eating Habits
Chapter 5: Pages 21-29
A Morning’s Hike
The sounds in the Bat Cave (that people can’t hear) startles Rufus. What danger awaits Mallory as he leaves the trail to chase after his pet? 

Hearing ranges

  • Biology
    • Animals
  • Earth
    • Geology
  • Health
    • Food, water
    • Injury
  • Life Skills
    • Outdoors Abilities
  • People
    • Disobedience
Chapter 6: Pages 30-35
A Spectacular View
It’s cicada season! Time to watch how cicadas change into their “grown-up clothes” and have fun stepping on all those crunchy shells they left behind.

Mississippi River Facts

  • Biology
    • Insects
  • Earth
    • Geology
  • Math
    • Arithmetic
    • Comparisons
  • History
    • People
  • People
    • Generosity
  • Planet
    • Appreciation for Nature’s Beauty
Chapter 7: Pages 36-41
The Best Laid Plans
You can’t change the weather, so why not explore something different that might be even better than your original plans? A side trip turns into a fascinating geography lesson.
  • Earth
    • Geology
    • Geography
  • Math
    • Symbols
  • Language
    • Word Derivations
  • History
    • People
    • Locations
  • Arts
    • Photography
    • Singing
  • Life Skills
    • Resilience/Adaptability
  • Emotions
    • Serenity/Acceptance
  • People
    • Respect
Chapter 8: Pages 42-49
More Escapades
Melody disappears and Mallory jumps into the Mississippi River in case his sister fell off the pier. He didn’t know about the dangerous currents, but “all’s well that ends well.”
  • Biology
    • Animals
  • Earth
    • Geology
  • Language
    • Classic Literature
    • Word Derivation
  • History
    • People
  • Life Skills
    • Outdoor Abilities
  • Emotions
    • Concern for Others
    • Impetuousness
    • Need for Recognition
  • People
    • Parental Responsibility
    • Hospitality
    • Respect
  • Planet
    • Appreciation for Nature’s Beauty
Chapter 9: Pages 50-53
On the Way Home
Mom compares relieving sore muscles to preparing dough for baking: knead, stretch, rest, warm. About Melody’s cuts and scratches she got from crawling under branches…what cuts and scratches?
  • Biology
    • People
  • Society
    • Public Behavior
  • Health
    • Muscle Aches
  • People
    • Disobedience
    • Parental Responsibility
    • Gratitude
Chapter 10: Pages 54-56
Unfinished Business Now Finished; Next Adventure
The banker reports on the history of the money sack that Mallory discovered at the dunes a month ago: a result of the Great Depression.
  • History
    • Times/Eras
  • Morals/Ethics
    • Doing the Right Thing
  • People
    • Respect

The Core Disciplines in Palisades Escapades LIST 1 are presented with their Knowledge Gateways and Discovery Paths (Tiers 1-3) in side-by-side columns. We’ve grouped each of the Knowledge Gateways and their Discovery Paths into Basic (foundational knowledge), Hybrid (relevant both to Basic and Applied Discovery Paths), and Applied (using basic or hybrid principles for practical, real-world purposes).

LIST 1.  Palisades Escapades Overview: Sciences, Humanities, and Values/Behaviors


  • Biology
    • Insects
    • Animals
    • People
  • Earth, Space Science
    • Geography
    • Geology
    • Weather


  • Math
    • Symbols
    • Arithmetic
    • Comparisons


  • Society
    • Government (Local)
  • Language
    • Word Derivations
    • Classic Literature
  • History
    • Locations
    • People
    • Times/Eras
  • Health
    • Exercise
    • Food/Nutrition
    • Recreation, Games


  • Arts
    • Writing
    • Play on Words
    • Drawing
    • Photography
    • Singing


  • Life Skills
    • Quick Response
    • Planning Ahead
    • Rules of Thumb
    • Resilience
  • Work, Careers
    • Geologist (Retired)
    • Police Sergeant
    • Software Engineer (retired)
    • Air Force pilot (retired)


  • Morals/Ethics
    • Doing the Right Thing
  • Emotions
    • Awareness of Consequences
    • Sense of Humor
    • Disappointment
    • Concern for Others
    • Impetuousness
    • Need for Recognition
    • Serenity/Acceptance
  • Mind
    • Reasoning
    • Organization
    • Intuition
    • Visualization
  • Body
    • Healthy Aging
    • Overall Health


  • Learning/Knowledge/Skills
    • Sharing Knowledge
    • Analitical Thinking
    • Acquiring Knowledge


  • People
    • Parental Responsibiity
    • Disobedience
    • Hospitality
    • Concern for Others
    • Respect
    • Gratitude
    • Generosity
    • Community Involvement
  • Planet
    • Respect for Earth, All Things Living on It
    • Appreciation for Nature’s Beauty

The next three sets of lists and tables compile the Sciences, Humanities and Values/Behaviors content for the entire Palisades Escapades book.  Bulleted lists of Knowledge Gateways, with their associated Discovery Paths, offer a quick glance at category tiers 1-3 appearing in Palisades Escapades. Their associated tables incorporate all 5 category tiers, including brief definitions of the Knowledge Gateways and instances of the specific Knowledge Nuggets (lessons) within each Core Discipline.

Palisades Escapades Sciences Core Discipline

Palisades Escapades List 2 is an at-a-glance bulleted list, offering a quick look at the Sciences Knowledge Gateways in bold, followed by their Discovery Paths that appear in Whoosh.

Palisades Escapades LIST 2.  Sciences Knowledge Gateways and Discovery Paths
  • Biology: Insects; Animals; People
  • Earth, Space Science: Geology; Geography; Weather
  • Math: Symbols; Arithmetic; Comparisons

Palisades Escapades TABLE 2 includes the major Sciences Knowledge Gateways (light green background) occurring in all the chapters of Whoosh.

The left column shows each Knowledge Gateway and one or more associated Discovery Paths. Discovery Path Branches, where they occur, appear indented below the major Discovery Path. These branches (and sometimes sub-branches) are divisions of the major Discovery Path; they represent increasingly-specific fields.

The right column offers brief definitions of each Sciences Knowledge Gateway. Following each Knowledge Gateway are Knowledge Nuggets (mini- or pop-up lessons). These lessons correspond to the Discovery Path and any Discovery Path Branches that appear directly across in the the left column.

Palisades Escapades TABLE 2.  SCIENCES Content
Discovery Paths. Discovery Path Branches Knowledge Nuggets: Mini- and Pop-up Lessons
BIOLOGY Life and living things
Insects Habits of fireflies, cicadas and crickets {Ch. 4, pp. 16-20} ; Ch. 6, pp. 34-35; Ch. 7, p. 38}
Animals Prehistory: Petrified sea creatures, dinosaurs {Ch. 2, p. 4}
Birds: Goldfinches {Ch. 8, pp. 45-46}
Bats: {Ch. 5, p. 24, 27; Ch. 7, p.38}
Dogs: range of hearing {Ch. 5, p. 27}
 People Ear-eye, eye-hand coordination {Ch. 4, p. 19}
Getting the wind knocked out of you {Ch. 5, pp. 25-26}
Relieving muscle aches {Ch. 9, pp. 51-52}
More evidence of human extremophile ability {Ch. 9, pp. 52-53}
EARTH, SPACE SCIENCE Related to planet Earth and beyond
Geology Earth’s physical structure, substance, history, processes
          Rocks Just an ordinary-looking rock? Check for fossils {Ch 2, pp. 4-5, 9; Ch. 3, p. 13}
How did cliffs form? Some ways: carved by glacier movement; rise and fall of inland seas; movement in Earth’s crust {Ch. 8, p. 48}
 Geography Continents, countries, oceans and other waters, and their features
          Mississippi Palisades State Park Watch out for those sinkholes! {Ch. 5, pp. 22, 25-27}
A surprising view at the top of Sentinel Trail {Ch. 6, pp. 30-31}
          Mississippi River Natural border between Illinois and Iowa; interesting river facts {Ch. 6, pp. 30-33; Ch. 7}
         Great Lakes Lake Michigan; Inland sea {Ch. 2, pp. 5-7}
Weather Wind
MATH Numbers, quantities and analysis
Symbols Size, length and amount, either actual or estimated {Ch. 7, p. 39}
Arithmetic Ways of adding, dividing {Ch. 6, pp. 31-32}
Comparisons Rules of thumb help to relate big and little things {Ch. 6, pp. 31-32}

Palisades Escapades HUMANITIES Core Discipline

Palisades Escapades LIST 3 is an at-a-glance bulleted list. It offers  a quick look at the Humanities Knowledge Gateways in bold, followed by their Discovery Paths that appear in Palisades Escapades.

Palisades Escapades LIST 3.  Humanities Knowledge Gateways and Discovery Paths
      • Society: Government
      • Language: Word Derivations; Classic Literature
      • History: Locations; People; Time/Era
      • Health: Exercise; Recreation, Games; Food
      • Arts: Writing; Play on Words; Drawing; Photograpy; Singing
      • Life Skills: Quick Response; Planning Ahead; Rules of Thumb; Resilience
      • Work/Careers; Role Models: Geologist; Police Sergeant; Software Engineer; Air Force Pilot; Welcome Center Staff; Tai Chi Instructor

Palisades Escapades TABLE 3 includes the major Humanities Knowledge Gateways (light green background) occurring in all the chapters of Palisades Escapades.

The left column shows each Knowledge Gateway and one or more associated Discovery Paths. Discovery Path Branches, where they occur, appear indented below the major Discovery Path. These branches (and sometimes sub-branches) are divisions of the major Discovery Path; they represent increasingly-specific fields.

The right column offers brief definitions of each Humanities Knowledge Gateway. Following each Knowledge Gateway are Knowledge Nuggets (mini- or pop-up lessons). These lessons correspond to the Discovery Path and any Discovery Path Branches that appear directly across in the the left column.

Palisades Escapades TABLE 3. HUMANITIES Content
Discovery Paths, Discovery Path Branches Knowledge Nuggets; Pop-up Lessons
Community, Culture, People
7-year-old Mallory signs his first-ever legal contract {Ch. 3, pp. 10-12}
LANGUAGE Means of communication
Word Derivations Mississippi (Big) River, Gitchigumi (Lake Superior) both get their names from the Anishanabe Native Americans {Ch. 7, pp. 39-40}
The Malloneys learn that the name of their black dog Rufus (who barks woof) comes from Latin (red-hair) {Ch. 8, pp. 46-47}
Palisade (Latin, French) refers to a line of cliffs, and also to poles of a stockade {Ch. 8, pp. 48-49}
Classic Literature Exercising one’s “Little gray cells” (Agatha Christie) {Ch. 3, p. 10}
Fiction detectives: Sherlock Holmes (Arthur Conan Doyle), Hercule Poirot (Agatha Christie) {Ch. 3, p. 10}
Mark Twain wrote about his experiences in Life on the Mississippi {Ch. 8, p.42}
HISTORY Information about the past
Locations Indiana Dunes area: rocks with crinoid sea animal fossils, glaciers, inland sea {Ch. 2, pp. 10, 14}
Spectacular view of the Mississippi River from Sentinel Rock is the same as that seen by Native Americans hundreds (thousands?) of years ago {Ch. 6, p. 30}
The Mississippi River: a natural border for 10 states; major uses begin with the letters T-R-A {Ch. 7, pp. 40-41}
People Louis Joliet, Jacques Marquette: explored the Mississippi River with a Native American guide in 1673 {Ch. 7, p. 41}
Mark Twain was a steamboat pilot on the river in 1883 {Ch. 8, p. 42}
Times/Eras Robbery from the Great Depression involves local Indiana police and Chicago bank; mystery cleared up {Ch. 3, p. 13}
HEALTH Level of well-being
Exercise Everyone carries their own water and snacks on a hike {Ch. 5, p. 29}
Nap time with no complaints after hike and lunch {Ch. 6, p. 33}
Grandpa learns what overworked muscles “knead” {Ch. 9, pp. 51-52}
Why do Mallory’s warm hands heal Melody’s cuts? {Ch. 9 pp. 52-53}
Recreation, Games Lightning bug game: people catch, Rufus releases {Ch. 4, pp. 16-18}
Food/Nutrition Enjoying sweet treats without over-doing {Ch. 4, p. 18}
Mom prepares breakfast that’ll last through a hike and lunch {Ch. 5, p. 21}
ARTS Creative skills and their expression
Writing Writing new words to familiar tunes {Ch. 7, pp. 37-38}
Play on Words “You can teach an old dog new tricks” confuses Mallory {Ch. 2, p. 6}
Grandpa loves speaking in “pretend “Irish Brogue {Ch. 5, p. 21}
Mom teases Dad: “it’s better to be the lead dog{Ch. 5, p. 22}
Mom asks Grandpa if he knows a good obedience school…for Mallory! {Ch. 5, p. 28}
Watching cicadas change into their grown-up clothes {Ch. 7, pp. 34-35}
 Drawing Ms. Anna’s Great Lakes drawing looks a little like a palm tree {Ch. 2, pp. 5-6}
Mallory shows Ms. Anna how to draw with 3 or 4 pencils at the same time {Ch. 2, p. 6}
Photography Taking interesting photos in less-than-ideal weather {Ch. 7, pp. 36-37}
Singing Customizing words to familiar songs {Ch. 7, p. 38}
LIFE SKILLS Practical abilities for attending to everyday needs
 Quick Response A cicada is no match for Melody’s good eye-ear and eye-hand coordination {Ch. 4, p. 19}
Planning Ahead Mom reviews hiking trails with just enough challenge for everyone {Ch. 5, p. 21}
Rules of Thumb Easy ways to visualize distances {Ch. 6, pp. 31-32}
Resilience Finding a way when things don’t go your way {Ch. 7, pp. 36-37, 38-39}
Productive activity to earn an income or give back to society
 Geologist (retired) Ms. Anna tells Mallory about Dunes history, geology {Ch. 2}
Police Sergeant Arranges Mallory’s community service with Ms. Anna {Ch. 1, p. 2; Ch. 2, p. 3, pp. 8-9}; Ch. 3, p. 10-11}
 Software Engineer (retired) The family admires Grandpa’s organizational skills {Ch. 3, pp. 13-14}
Air Force pilot (retired) Grandpa’s training helps in estimating distance {Ch, 6, ppp. 31-32}
Welcome Center Staff Lisa and Valerie share their knowledge of the Mississippi River with their guests {Ch. 7, pp. 39-41; Ch. 8}
Tai Chi Instructor Mom’s Y class schedule allows her to take August off {Ch. 10, p. 54}

Palisades Escapades VALUES/BEHAVIORS Content

Palisades Escapades LIST 4.  Values/Behaviors Discovery Paths and Knowledge Branches
      • MoralsEthics: Doing the Right Thing
      • Emotions: Awareness of Consequences; Sense of Humor; Disappointment; Concern for Others; Impetuousness; Impetuousness; Serenity/Acceptance; Need for Recognition
      • Mind: Reasoning; Organization; Intuition; Sense of Wonder; Visualization
      • Body: Aging Well; Physical Health
      • Learning/Knowledge/Skills: Acquiring Knowledge; Analytical Reasoning; Sharing Knowledge
      • People: Parental Responsibility; Disobedience; Hospitality; Concern for Others; Respect; Gratitude; Generosity; Community Involvement
      • Planet: Respect for Earth, All Things Living on It; Appreciation for Nature’s Beauty
Palisades Escapades TABLE 4.  VALUES//BEHAVIORS Content
Discovery Paths. Discovery Path Branches Knowledge Nuggets: Mini and Pop-up Lessons
Internal character, beliefs
 Doing the Right Thing Dad and Mallory return to the police station to learn about a crime that happened a long time ago and the consequences of Mallory’s more recent escapade {Ch. 1, p. 1}
The family agrees that any reward provided for Mallory’s discovery should go to both children’s education fund {Ch. 10, p. 56}
EMOTIONS Feelings, sentiment, intuition
 Awareness of Consequences Mallory wonders how much trouble he’s in {Ch. 1, pp. 1-2}
Mallory is confused by the police sergeant’s requests {Ch. 2, pp. 3, 5; Ch. 3, pp. 10-11}
 Sense of Humor Ms. Anna smiles at Mallory’s confusion about not being able to teach an old dog new tricks {Ch. 2, p. 6}
Dad teases the twins about stomping too hard on the cicada shells “I didn’t bring my toolkit to repair the steps” {Ch. 6, p. 35}
Disappointment Mallory feels that Mom’s temporary restriction on his freedom to wander is restricting his learning to be an explorer {Ch. 6, p. 30}
Concern for Others Remembering that he didn’t even try to rescue his sister from Old Faithful’s steam, Mallory vows that he wouldn’t let that happen again {Ch. 8, p. 43}
Impetuousness Mallory doesn’t see the sinkhole separating him from Rufus {Ch. 5, p. 25}
Mallory dives into the flowing Mississippi River with all his clothes and shoes to see if he can find his sister {Ch. 8, p. 44}
Serenity/Acceptance Mom’s annoyance at Mallory’s dirty shirt turns to “boys will be boys” {Ch. 5, p. 27}
Mallory wasn’t happy to have to walk directly in front of Mom the rest of the morning, but recalls that he could have been really hurt {Ch. 5, p. 28}
A mist can dampen some spirits on a trip, but Mom and Grandpa know how to make the best of it {Ch. 7, pp. 36-38}
Need for Recognition Melody is annoyed that people are talking about her instead of to her {Ch. 8, p. 46}
Rational, theoretical, analytical thinking
Reasoning Mallory tells Ms. Anna how he quickly added two sets of numbers {Ch. 2, p. 7}
Mallory figures he’d better obey the police sergeant without asking a lot of questions {Ch. 2, pp. 8-9}
Organization Dad admires Grandpa’s organization skills {Ch. 3, pp. 13-14}
 Intuition Mallory guesses why Ms. Anna has put a folded newspaper on her coffee table {Ch. 2, p. 3}
Visualization Mallory is happy that Ms. Anna offers to draw some answers to his questions {Ch. 2, p. 5}
Melody tells Mom her dream about a hawk flying with her {Ch. 3, pp. 12-13}
Health, bodily strengh and movement
Aging Well Dad reports that Grandpa started exercising and eating better after a doctor told him “You could be in better health” {Ch. 4, p. 15}
Overall Health Mom plans sweet treats for the campfire without overdoing it {Ch. 4, p. 18}
Pursuit and acquisition of understanding, wisdom, capabilities
Acquiring Knowledge The Sentinel Trail allows everyone to observe interesting plants, insects (and even bats!) {Ch. 5, pp. 23-24}
Analytical Thinking The twins learn from Grandpa and their parens how to figure out approximate distances without a ruler {Ch. 6, pp. 31-32}
Sharing Knowledge Ms. Anna tells of some of the fossilized creatures embedded in Mallory’s rock {Ch. 2, pp. 4-8}
Dad doesn’t want to “teach” what he doesn’t know about the difference between cricket and cicadas {Ch. 4, p. 18}
Mom explains that dogs can hear sounds that humans can’t, which is why dogs are used for hunting {Ch. 5, p. 27}
PEOPLE Regard for, and relationships with, humankind
 Parental Responsibility Dad reassures Mallory when he finds his son gasping for breath at the bottom of a sinkhole {Ch. 5, p. 26}
Dad scolds Melody for running off after everyone saw her last at a pier at the Mississippi River {Ch. 8, p. 45}
Disobedience Mallory races to follow Rufus, who disturbed cave bats (and was disturbed by the bats’ sounds) {Ch. 5, p. 24}
Mom explains to the twins how their actions affect other people, not just their family {Ch. 8, p. 46}
Hospitality Ms. Anna offers her guests coffe and juice {Ch. 2, p. 3}
Lisa, a Visitor Center guide offers Mom a first-aid kit for Melody’s cuts and a large staff bathroom so Melody can wash up and change her clothes {Ch. 8, p. 46}
Concern for Others Mom’s hiking plans includes consideration for Grandpa’s capabilities {Ch. 5, p. 21}
Mom is glad that her family is enjoying a fun game with Rufus and fireflies; Rufus’s doggie dinner helps reduce the noise and potential for disturbing other guests {Ch. 4, p. 17}
Mallory’s shirt reveals his tumble into the sinkhole to Grandpa {Ch. 5, p. 27}
Respect Grandpa appreciates Mom’s praise, explains that he’s been secretly working out, thanks to her inspiration {Ch. 5, p. 23}
Mallory is happy to learn that Native Americans or indigenous people are proper terms to refer to people inhabiting America before its discovery by Columbus {Ch. 7, p. 40}
Melody is bored and lets the door SLAM on her way out of the visitor center {Ch. 8, p. 48}
The bank and police involved in Mallory’s discovery agree not to disclose certain information out of respect for a terminally-ill descendant {Ch. 10, p. 55}
Gratitude Mom and Dad thank Grandpa for arranging (and paying for) mini-trips each month; Grandpa says he’s grateful for the time to get to know his grandkids better {Ch. 10, p. 54}
Generosity Grandpa’s offer of steak and burgers is more appealing to Mom than roasting hot dogs {Ch. 6, p. 34}
Community Involvement Thanksgiving weekend plans include helping transform an abandoned department store {Ch. 3, p. 13}
PLANET Earth’s natural environment: living organisms, water, surface, subsurface, atmosphere
Respect for Earth, All Things Living on It Melody felt that the hawk in her dream wanted to be friends with her {Ch. 3, p. 12}
Appreciation for Nature’s Beauty Everyone gasped at the view of the Mississippi River and beyond from the top of the Sentinel Trail {Ch. 6, p. 30}
Enthralled by a Goldfinch, Melody crawls through scratchy bushes to get a better look {Ch. 8, p. 45}

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